September is in full swing and I have a really cool super-secret project on my plate. So basically this is a post that's going to tell you nothing about it.
Nice, huh.
What I can tell you is that it involves BEADS. You know, those shiny round things that you can string to make adornments. No fire, no heavy equipment and tools... JUST BEADS!!!!
What I can tell you is that the project is going to be really cool, created with an iPad in mind. It's gonna be a great reference for the bead community and I am super excited to get the project underway. It will be live for the public in mid to late October.
I am putting a call out for help from all of you. I need bead donations. If you have some beads around that you are ready to unload I would love to have 'em. I am not talking strands here (though I could use 'em) I need those leftovers from a project. The few leftover from the strand, the strays, the unused focal beads. That's what this project will rely on. If they are mixed up then all the better! Just pour 'em into a baggie, pop 'em in a padded envelope and send them over. It doesn't have to be a huge amount and variety is key.
Kinda like this. |
If you are game, send me a message using the
email link on this page. (Some of you have had trouble with my email address, so here it is spelled out... kate (at) katerichbourg (dot) com ... I'll send you my address AND you will get a copy of the "super secret bead project" when it is out as a thank you.
I'll need these by September 25th. Thanks in advance for your help!