
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Secret Snowflake Challenge Reveal!

I love Michelle Mach's bead challenges. They always have an interesting theme and she sends out lovely beads. Sign ups for this one happened before Christmas, but the reveal was not until January, so I figured I had plenty of time to complete it during the post-holiday breathing spell.

Unfortunately, I have had a case of the "horribles" this past couple of weeks. It's the cold that just won't go away. I had this challenge to complete and I just did not feel up to beading. But I knew I could not put it off any longer, so I took to my bed and brought my beads with me.

From the comfort of my cozy bed, I created this beaded tassel.

Click on each photo to enlarge.
Here are the details...

Here is what I did.

I gathered my components on a bead board. I added some glass beads from my collection (in the box, upper left) to the beads Michelle sent out for the challenge (in the center of the board and in the box, lower right). I grabbed some nylon beading thread, scissors and clear nail polish to seal the knots.

I cut 12" of thread. The challenge mix had cute drops, so I used those for the bottom of each tassel leg.

 I tied an overhand knot to secure the drop and then threaded each strand with a double thread.

 I used the large focal as the main anchor for the tassel. I strung seven tassel legs with a random assortment of beads.

I gathered all of the strands and strung them through a bead with a large hole.

I used another large-holed bead to string the threads through.

I strung the threads around a silver ring, and back through the bead. I tied a square knot underneath the bead to secure the strands.

I wire wrapped a bead to the ring to act as a hanger. I used a few more to embellish the top and it was complete. I can use it as a decorative tassel or I could string it on a long cord or bead strand as a striking necklace. For now it enhances a green pot that sits on my worktable.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my piece. Here is a list of the other participants in the challenge. Everyone made such lovely pieces!
If you would like to join in a future challenge, sign up for Michelle's newsletter. Thanks Michelle for hosting and looking forward to the next one!


  1. Wow! What a great idea! I really love your tassel! I hope you well recovered.

  2. Not only is your tassle beautiful, but your pictures are so inspiring! You have mastered the art of taking clear pictures (I struggle with lighting and ineptitude), and your beading area is so tidy that you've given me two complexes!

  3. Gorgeous tassel! I love the large hole bead, it works perfectly. And kudos for somehow getting this done in bed. I've been fighting something off too, and yesterday I thought about trying to bead in bed, but I didn't think I could pull it off without the beads spilling everywhere!

  4. What a creative idea to make a tassel! That is what I should make with some of the little tins of leftover beads I've been collecting. I love the step-by-step photos. That is so generous of you!

    Thanks for joining and I hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. I would have never thought of a tassel in a million years. I loved that you gave a complete guide on how you did it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the step by step guide to making your tassel. I always love to see new uses for beadwork. I might have to try making a few myself! -- Dawn

  7. How fabulous! This is an exciting way to use all the blue beads, like a waterfall... :)

  8. I am always thrilled when someone makes a piece that is not jewelry. I like to do that, too. I make beaded hats, boxes, etc. Your tassel is just fabulous! No others words will do, fabulous!

  9. wow! what a beautiful tassel, it is nice to see something other than jewelry!

  10. Gorgeous!!!!! I love each and every component--and the beads you added from your own stash compliment the piece so well.

    I'm amazed you did this in your bed. I'm a messy beader and would be finding beads in the sheets for weeks to come.

  11. i LOVE beading in bed. My cats think it is fun, too. ;) Very pretty tassel. I love it.

  12. Wow, can't believe you were able to get that made while in bed! Impressive :)

  13. Kate, That is a neat idea to make a tassel that can be used several different ways. Nice job and it is very pretty also.

  14. What a great idea, I love the tassel, it looks like such a fun piece!

  15. A tassel, how neat and it turned out great.
    That was a great idea.


  16. Your tassel is truly unique - what a twist on the challenge components! I really enjoyed the mini-tutorial that accompanied the post. And to think you were in bed - I am impressed! :-)


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