
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Designing with my Bead Soup, Part One

I love beads. Sometimes I get distracted by metal, but really, it was the beads that got this whole thing started.

So in the middle of all my deadlines and work and general busyness of course I added another thing to my list. The Bead Soup Blog Party.

The BSBP appealed to me on so many levels. I love a swap. (I have acquired some of my favorite things by bartering). It is a chance to commune with other artists on a similar project. Plus, I get to make a necklace that's just for me!

Some of you may know my BSBP partner. She send me the loveliest collection of beads. I literally gave a big "OHHH!" when I opened the box.  

See what I'm sayin'? That Lorelei Eurto can really choose 'em.

I let them simmer overnight. The next morning after a bit of hanging out and deliberating, I chose my final palette. I'll share my palleting process with you in an upcoming post. Playing with color is such FUN!


  1. WOW is right, great collection! Cant wait to see what you create...

  2. Those are gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you do with them. I'm waiting for my "soup" to get here.

  3. Oh so much fun! What a great base for your soup.

  4. What a beautiful collection. Have fun!

  5. What a wonderful palette to start from!!

  6. Pretty combination, some of my favorite colors, should be fun for you.


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