
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My BSBP Partner!

As soon as I opened my Bead Soup Blog party email I must admit, I gave a joyous shout.

I totally lucked out.

I got the super (SUPER) talented Loreli Eurto. Seriously. Have you seen her work? I love her style. I'd like to pair this piece with a pretty dress. Then I'd pack a picnic basket, grab a quilt and have a lazy day under a tree with a good book.

For my bead soup package I perused my favorite beads and palleted this collection:

I hope she likes it and I can't wait to see what she creates. Hop on over to her blog. You'll be inspired.


  1. ooooh so excited!! Looks like maybe jewel tones! :D
    Hope you have fun with your Soup too!

  2. Congrats on your partner. I got a great partner from California. Getting ready to post about her. Since this is my first Bead Soup, I'm still trying to figure out what to send.

  3. Glad I could make you happy! Thanks so much for participating!


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