
Sunday, October 11, 2015

All hands on deck!

Hey Gang!
Super exciting news. My second book Metalsmithing Made Easy just posted on Amazon for presale! Yahoo!  However, the work isn't quite done yet. As a matter of fact, there is still a lot of behind-the-scenes work to be done. Including photographs! At the end of this month the photo shoot for all of the projects is going to be at my studio in South San Francisco. It's gonna be lights, camera, action here in South City.

As you might imagine it's a lot of prep work to get all the steps ready for photography. Each project needs to have several finished steps so each project goes swiftly and effortlessly.

I am putting out a general call for any crafty friends who might be into helping prepare the steps for the shoot. It involves working from my written instructions and preparing several steps of the project.

Here are the details:
When: Saturday and Sunday 10-5, October 17th & 18th. (This coming weekend.)

Where: My studio. 160 S Linden Ave Suite 124, South San Francisco, CA

What: I provide all tools and materials and when it's ready you'll get a signed copy of the new book as thanks for your help. And lunch ;).

I welcome makers with all levels of experience as there are projects that fit a variety of skill levels.

Let me know if you'd like to join in on the fun. RSVP via email kate at katerichbourg dot com.


  1. This sounds like SO much fun! I wish I lived in San Francisco (for more reasons than just this!)

  2. Send me a plane ticket and I am there.


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