
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Upcoming classes! Online and in the studio.

Exciting news! I have THREE classes scheduled at my studio in South San Francisco. (It's about time I know, and more are coming soon.) Plus one online at!

First up in the studio, on December 7, "The Art of the Bangle." Bangle bracelets are all the rage right now and they are so fun and easy to make. $95 for the day includes all materials and tool use in class. Everything is provided, all you need to do is show up. We are going to make a bunch of bangles and cuffs, and other components that use a simple round link (like hoops, rings and chain links). This is a brand new class based on a technique that my friend Bob Burkett generously shared with me.

I only have 5 spots available in class so sign up early as it's going to fill fast. The enrollment link in my Etsy Shop is here.
The Art of the Bangle
An speaking of Bob Burkett. Next in the studio is a special guest artist class with one of my favorite bead artists. "Zen and the Art of Waxworking" with Bob. He is just starting to teach his techniques and is really excited to share his knowledge with you.
Bob at work.
It's coming up on Saturday and Sunday, March 2 & 3, 2014. 10-5 both days. Cost is $225.00 and all materials are included. There are only eight spots available so sign up soon at this link. A complete description and details are listed there too. This class is sure to fill up quickly. It's a great opportunity to learn from a master. I CAN'T WAIT!!

Next up another newish class, Tube Set Pendants and Stack Rings. I am teaching it for the first time this weekend at the BABE show in Oakland, CA. It's full (as are all of my classes there, yay!) but I really wanted to teach it at my studio, so here it is! Saturday, March 15, 2014, 10-5. Cost is $150 for the day with all materials (sterling silver!!!!) and tool use in class included. Complete description and enrollment at this link on my Etsy store.

And just to give you class overload, I have a LIVE ONLINE class coming up next week on Wednesday, November 20th for Sign up here for Getting Loopy: Simple Chain Making and Beyond. It's all about chain making and the art of the metal link. How it works is you watch the live class presentation, ask questions, watch video tutorials and listen to me talk. Can't make the specified time? Want to watch the class over again? The enrollment fee includes a link to the video class so you can watch again and again, whenever you want! It's gonna be fun and super informative.

I am really excited to be a part of CraftCast and hope you can join me on Wednesday!
Getting Loopy!
Okay, gang. That's it from the class front. Check you calendars and hope to see you in class, soon!

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