
Friday, September 6, 2013

Class at BABE 2013

Hello September!

September means a lot of things to me. Summer in San Francisco, my birthday, slowing things down a bit... AND preparing for a great bead show that happens in the Bay Area in November!

That's right gang... BABE 2013 is just around the corner. One of the biggest bead shows on the west coast is November 16-17 and I am teaching three classes there.

I just received notification yesterday that my classes are filling up fast, so I just wanted to let you all know in case you are planning to attend, you had better jump on it quick.

It's a great show. A lot of wonderful bead vendors and really great classes. What could be better? (Well nothing, in my humble opinion. Okay, a FEW things maybe. Like a vacation. Or desert. But I digress.)

Here is a rundown of my classes:
Things get started before the show on Friday, November 15 with my Simple Soldering Boot Camp. This is my most popular class, perfect for those of you who want to get started with soldering but need a nudge in the right direction. Based on my popular book Simple Soldering, it's the perfect way to remove your fear of the torch and jump right into making soldered jewelry.

Next up on Saturday, November 16, I am teaching a NEW class on tube setting, Tube Set Flower Pendant and Stack Rings. For the student that has some (not a lot) of experience with soldering and is looking for a new challenge. Plus, they will make great holiday gifts! (Who mentioned holidays?? I gotta make a Christmas list!)

And on Sunday, November 17, we wrap things up with Patinas and Cold Connections. A great class to learn all about riveting and coloring on metal. And since the class is local... I am going to add a special bonus... how to use a rolling mill to pattern metal and wire!

You can read all about how to enroll, here on the website. So start planning now and I can wait to see you in class in November!


  1. Hi Kate -

    I wished I still lived on the West Coast, I'd be signed up for all your classes in a heartbeat! I have not been in my home state of California since September 2000. I now live near West Point in the Catskill region of NY. Not too many metalsmithing classes around here - sigh! Maybe one of these days I'll get to sit in a class with you teaching :)

    Elaine Allen

  2. Boy would I love to take live classes from you !! I have purchased some of your online classes and you are OUTSTANDING both as an educator and an artist. And I love your sense of humor :)


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