
Friday, January 4, 2013

Ten Life Lessons From IKEA

Happy New Year!

The New Year is a time for assessing, pondering, putting plans into place and moving forward. But for me it is also a time for learning. Most of all learning about me, it seems.

So this is how it went. I needed a shelf space in my new studio for shipping and receiving all of my Etsy Shop products. Plus a space to store all of my shipping supplies. Enter the IKEA catalog. I found the perfect thing, but WOW (!) that sucker was heavy. 75 lbs to be exact. I knew I couldn't move that thing on my own so I grabbed my friend Mary and we managed to select, purchase and wrangle it into my car. (LIFE LESSON #1 Teamwork always works.)

But Mary had to get home as she had a skirt to make. (Like you do.) So I was on my own getting this behemoth out of my car. (LIFE LESSON #2 Don't worry too much about the future. The solution will present itself.) So I dropped Mary off and went on my merry way up to my studio.

As I pulled into my parking space I saw two guys standing around and chatting. So I got out of my car, smiled and asked if they would mind helping to slide the heavy thing into my wheeled cart (that I had put in my car just in case), and I could take it from there. (LIFE LESSONS #3, 4 & 5 Be polite. Ask for what you need. And have a backup plan.)

After the nice guys helped get the package in the cart I wheeled it into my studio, dumped it over, opened it and got out the directions. I gathered my tools and got started. (LIFE LESSONS #6 & 7 Read the directions, they are there for a reason and always use the right tool for the job... and keep 'em in a tool box so you can find 'em.)

I was a bit daunted. I mean I make stuff, but I don't really build furniture you know? But I thought "Heck... I can do this. How hard can it be?" (LIFE LESSON #8 Stay positive.) 

 I checked the directions and started in step-by-step (LIFE LESSON #9 Heed the warning signs) and you know what? In 45 minutes I was done!

One last consult of the directions gave me LIFE LESSON #10 (Don't do anything stupid) and presto my shipping station was complete and I felt like a super hero.

So you know what? Bring it 2013... If I can build IKEA furniture, I can do anything!


  1. you *are* a superhero, kate! xxoxx

  2. Great job Kate! Positive thinking works. And you have a great looking work area!

  3. Those are the shelves I'm about to buy for my studio... only I'm doing the big fat huge one as a room-divider between the studio and the living-room. (the holes will come in handy as I keep an eye on teenagers!!)

    Were they difficult to build? The big one says that it takes two people... did yours as well?

    Love the life lessons!

    1. Hey Sylvie! Two people to move for sure. But building mine wasn't really that hard. I'll bet you can do it, even it it is a bit bigger.

  4. Ha, I was just at IKEA yesterday! Didn't need to buy any furniture - actually helping a friend looking for kitchen cabinets. But I did score some of the wooden mannequin figures for draping bracelets. Now I get to "dress" them up!

  5. I wish we had an IKEA close by. I'd love to have one of those in that awesome red color! Give yourself a pat on the back for getting the job done!!!

  6. Got to love girls with tools! Jewelry or furniture. Way to go!

    1. I agree Cynthia ~ girls with tools rock! The shelves look great Kate ~ love that red! Great job!

  7. Sometimes I get frustrated living in such a densely populated area. But then I remember that Ikea is only a 30 minute drive and all is right in my world! ;)

    Great job on the cube unit!

  8. I built that shelf, too, AND the big one!! LOVE them! I had to have my hubby help me get the huge one upright, but constructed it on the floor, just fine. My trick for moving those dang, heavy IKEA boxes by myself - I open them up and take the individual shelves out, piece by piece and put in my car, then onto my cart to get into the house. I hate waiting for help. :~D You ARE a rock star!!! ;~D

  9. I just recently went through the same dilemma with several Ikea pieces. I ended up having Ikea pull them from the shelves, then deliver everything. What a relief! At just about $100 bucks, it was a good deal for me.



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