
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hola! FREE Micro Torch Basics Class.

¡Buenos dias! I am back from my trip from Mexico and I can't wait to share what I learned. So many traditional Mexican jewelry-making techniques, designs and materials... My head is bursting.

More on all of that great stuff later on the blog. (I gotta TON of pics to download.) Right now I want to share something EXCITING that happened while I was away.


It's FREE!!! That's right! No charge and you can watch it again and again and again. All you need to do is sign up and become a member of In my class you'll learn how to use a butane micro torch PLUS how to make a couple of my favorite ring projects. I walk you through each step on using the torch, setting up a safe workspace and other tips and tricks so you won't be afraid to turn on that torch and get started.

The class is broken down into five separate lessons so the class is easy to navigate and presents techniques in easy to follow portions.

I am so super-proud of this class and so happy that students are enjoying it. Are you new to Craftsy? You can learn all about their online classes here. You can check out my activity and projects on the site by following my profile.

Things don't stop there, though! I have a second class coming up in the next couple of weeks... stay tuned, I think you are going to like it. 

Now go forth and fire it up!

1 comment:

  1. I just received my news letter from Craftsy and OF COURSE jumped right into your free class, - loving it!!
    I'm right now visiting our oldest son stationed n Hungary but as soon as I'm back in Norway I'll "fire up" for sure! :D
    It really warms the heart to see such enthusiasm and love for a skill so imagine my disappointment when I couldn't find the class you mentioned at the end of the free one...
    NOW I understand why and I'm SO happy to have found you both on Etsy and here on your blog.

    Best regards from Eva Mari,
    currently in Papa, Hungary


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