
Friday, August 10, 2012

Anniversary Giveaway! Win a Copy of My Upcoming Book

Good morning from Tennessee! I am putting finishing touches on my samples for JTV this morning and wanted to take a moment to post my latest giveaway.

Leave a comment below and enter to win my upcoming book... 

The official release date is December 11, 2012, so you won't see it for a while, but as soon as I get my advance copies, I'll send one to you. (Late November, maybe?) It also includes an instructional DVD that is over 2 HOURS long. The DVD covers a lot of great tips and techniques and is a great companion to the book.

If you'd like to win, leave a comment below. I'll pick the winner at random on Monday morning. For extra chances to win share this contest on your social media outlets (Tweet, FB, blog) and come back here and leave a comment for each share with your link.

Good luck and stay tuned for another giveaway next Friday... I have a GREAT prize coming up!


  1. yes please...i would love to win a copy!!!

  2. I took a basic soldering class a year ago and have yet to get the courage to use my torch (sigh)! This looks like the perfect book to ease myself into soldering again. I am looking forward to it's arrival!

  3. I love your classes at Beaducation and I cant wait for your new book to be released! thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Your book looks awesome. I have a huge urge to learn how to make jewelry and work with metals, you have so much great information here! Thanks for the hard work :-)

  5. Thanks for a chance to win this book. I took a class, more than a year ago and havent felt comfortable picking it up. This looks like the book for me. Cross your fingers and toes everyone and good luck to you all. ( I actually believe in providence) And lets enjoy.

  6. Beautiful projects! I would love to win a copy of the book and dvd! :D Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. Although I took a soldering course, I am not yet comfortable with the technique. The book sounds like it would help me take the next step. Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. Your book looks great! It's been so long since I've soldered I think I've forgotten all the important tips :)

  9. Would love to win this book to help mr with my trained glass projects. My soldering could use a bit of beautification!

  10. Oh, I'd love to win this!!! Thank you!

  11. I haven't soldered since I was in high school. I have been buying beads and findings but don't what to do with them. Your book looks like a great place to start!

  12. Ohhh, I have already pre-ordered one several weeks ago.

  13. Book and DVD! Yes please....can't wait.

  14. a book and a DVD! awesome, can't wait.

  15. Count me in! FB'd and tweeted too. This is exactly what I need, might stop me from burning the house down!

  16. I would love to win your book and DVD, I am new to soldering and learning through articles and YouTube videos. I need expert advice! Can't wait to see you on JTV, that is how I started making jewelry. Great blogspot!

  17. Thank you for putting the book/DVD together. yes, I would like to win,but at least someone is putting out stellar info on subjects. it's difficult when you begin or were taught in other ways, it's always amazing learning new skills which inspire you to reach ...

  18. love to get fired up! congrats on your new book!

  19. I'd love to win this! I'm very new to soldering, and am hoping to expand my skills this fall/winter!

  20. Please include me in the giveaway!! Can't wait to read the book!!!

  21. Just by seeing the pics I'm drooling...I'll love to win a copy!!!

  22. I am really getting into soldering and would love a copy of this book! Thanks so much, it's fantastic.

  23. I have enjoyed your classes on I look forward to your book!

  24. Please include me in your drawing! Your book would be a wonderful addition to my jewelry making library. Thank you!

  25. Gave your book and drawing a Tweet!

  26. I also shared on Facebook. I couldn't find the exact link address, but it is on my timeline at I also made it public. Thanks!

  27. Your book looks amazing. Soldering is one of the things I just can't seem to get quite right.

  28. This is still something I would love to learn how to do!

  29. I didn't realize you had a blog. Love the tutorials by you at Beaducation! Would love to win a book by you!! :)

  30. I can't wait for your book. I love reading your posts in JMD. I'm a newbie solderer so your book and DVD would be wonderful to learn from.

  31. this would be great to have on hand as I solder post metalsmithing class, thanks for the chance!

  32. I would LOVE to have a copy of this book as I work on perfecting my soldering skills!

  33. I've only been soldering for a short while but I love it and I'd love to win a copy of the book so I can have a great reference :)

  34. Your pieces are amazing!!! I would love your book!

  35. Your jewelry is amazing! I would love your book!

  36. I would love to win your book and DVD! Soldering is something I still need to work on after my metalsmithing classes.

  37. Just seen you on JTV! I would love to win your book and DVD, you are so inspiring. Thank you

  38. Enjoyed your presentation on JTV -- I had NO IDEA how to solder, and you made it look easy and non-intimidating. Thanks for opening up a new part of the world to me! Ingrid Guillaume (

  39. Count me in please....

  40. I really need to learn to solder...hope I win the book!

  41. You did a wonderful job on JTV this morning! Your fun personality brings so much to the show. :-)

  42. Tweeted! :-)

  43. Shared on my Facebook page:

  44. I would love to win your book. I love your Beaducation videos

  45. I too would love to win your book. Saw you on JTV and enyoyed your presentation.


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