
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More of My Creative Space

Whew! It's been a couple of BUSY weeks! The spring (well, not quite spring yet) cleaning bug bit me hard and I have been in reorganization mode.

I focused my energy on my creative space. And good thing, too. It was getting, a bit, uh, shall we say unorganized. (That is the polite term for a junked-up, messy pile of you-know-what.)

My original work table was great. It worked for metals and soldering, but I needed a place to BEAD. Plus I did not have a place to store my hammers so I could reach them easily.

So one trip to IKEA and the hardware store later, (and one clearing of a messy corner) I now have this...

A bead table.

The peg board is very handy. Originally it was white, so I spray painted it a nice dark brown color to blend in with the wall. I hung some of my bead strands up for inspiration. My hammers finally have a home!

I also sorted some of my wayward beads... They needed to be relocated to where most of the beads live in my house.

The bead cabinet. It's one of my most favorite things, ever.

Most of the drawers have beads sorted by color, but this drawer is where my ends-of-strands or single beads go. It is full of random bead mixes.

So, there it is. I have some great ideas to share with you soon, so stay tuned. My creative space is going to be hopping with new projects and I have a "how-to" coming up in the next few days.

Now, off to mess up my new table!


  1. I must admit that I have hammer and bead storage envy now - thanks a lot! LOL!! ;-) Very nice studio indeed!!

  2. WOWIE!!! That's an awesome space! I wish mine were half as organized. That printer's cabinet with all the drawers is a real find. I've only been able to find some of the drawers for sale (sans cabinet) and would LOVE either that or an old library card catalog case for my space. Anyway. . .when can you come over and re-do my craft room? ;)

  3. So doing this with my hammers & large brushes - great idea. Thanks for sharing

  4. Also, are the pliers hanging from magnetic bars?

    1. Hi Stacey-
      The pliers are indeed hanging from magnetic bars. The ones that I used are discontinued but I have seen these and they would work just as well.


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