
Friday, August 19, 2011

Look who's home.

Fresh from her vacation in Waukesha, WI, it's Wire Chandelier Earrings!

 They are happy to be home but had a great time at Wirework Magazine during their photo shoot.

 You thought Martha Stewart was difficult during a shoot? That's nothing compared to these babies. I think they used half of the Wirework budget with their demand for a 5-star hotel and swanky dinners.

Seriously, though. I am really pleased to be included in this special issue of Wirework Magazine. In addition to learning how to do this...

...from my article, you'll see a bunch of great projects from top wire artists. If you'd like your very own copy, check your local bookstore or order one here. And if you are wondering where you can find that cool flower blank in the picture above? Why it's at Beaducation, of course!

1 comment:

  1. I love your humor. It's right up there with your creative talents. Now I need to get busy and make my own pair of these fantastic earrings. Thank you for being you!


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